UCP Episode 024: Train Your Chickens to Do Tricks! – Discussion with Animal Trainer Giene Keyes

Giene Keyes at Chicken Clicker Training Seminar - photo courtesy of Giene Keyes

Giene Keyes at Chicken Clicker Training Seminar – photo courtesy of Giene Keyes

So you have backyard chickens and they’re great.  They provide you fresh eggs daily; they eat bugs and weeds in your yard; and best of all, they provide you with countless hours of entertainment watching them flit and play in your backyard. What if keeping backyard chickens could get even better?  What if you could train your hens to come when you call? Or what if they could learn to go into their coop upon your command at any time of day? Well you can teach your chickens to do those very things and so much more!   Continue reading

UCP Blog 004: Dude, Where’s My Show?

Delayed Due to Some Reasons - photo by Renato@Mainland China

Delayed Due to Some Reasons – photo by Renato@Mainland China

I could not have asked for a more apt photo.  It is Wednesday and there is no new Urban Chicken Podcast episode.  I know what you must be thinking, WTH?!  Much to my deep chagrin, I am not able to post this week’s episode today.  There are lots of contributing factors for this delay, but in a nutshell, the sign succinctly explains my situation.  This week’s show is, “delayed due to some reasons.”

I have promised all of my Urban Chicken Podcast listeners to provide you a new and interesting show each and every week.  This is an oath I do not take lightly.  Episode 22 will be aired this week as soon as earthly possible.  Please be forgive this disruption in service and hold tight for the impending show.

As a small token of my sincere apologies for the delay this week, please enjoy the video below.  It is of my three chickens, Frida, Beatrix (Bebe) and Coco eating blueberries. Though I have taught all of my hens to jump for treats, only Frida is shown jumping in this video.  We will need to discuss how you can teach your backyard chickens tricks soon.

I appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

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